Sunday, March 23, 2008

Vinegar Boy and The Jesus Garden

For Lent we read two books ”Vinegar Boy” and “The Jesus Garden”. With the first book we made a black cross out of tissue paper. Then around this cross we chose different coloured tissue to reflect the characters in the book. For example Mary was blue tissue paper. Next we found an image for each main character in the story. I typed quotes from each character and these were placed beside their image. Then reading the book”….” We drew and coloured flowers as they were described in the story. I didn’t tell the boys why we were doing this so on Easter Sunday they were surprised to find the drab black cross was covered with flowers. It looked as one of them put it like a stained glass window that had come to life!


Crimson and purple, grey and gold, violet and blue, yellow and green. The colours of the day. He tried to sort them out. Violet for Mary’s eyes; scarlet for the centurion’s cloak; golden for the young thief’s hair; purple for the stripes on Barabbas; green for the silk of Procula’s gown. Blue? Sea-blue for the eyes of John of course.


“The sword will pierce me too. Oh Emmanuel, my little One. They will pierce thee today, and I shall die.”


“He looked at my Baby and he knew He was the promised Child. The shepherds knew it too, for they brought me word that angels had sent them to us in the stable at Bethlehem. There was no other place for Him that night; no place but a manger for the Son of God.”


“I warned you. Oh Pilate my husband, I warned you. If only this once you had been strong enough to stand up to them. This was a religious quarrel, and you had no right to interfere. My dream came, and my message was sent to save you from this infamy.”

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