OK I admit I'm biased, but who wouldn't thrill over two beautifully decorated calico bags, or a daughter(no photo this one) who spent(lots of time)typing out all my favorite recipes onto card which she then color coded and laminated.
The pictures show from the bottom a "sail away" ship on its designer painted sea. Next we have an ornament given from one son to his older sister. The other brother made one for a friend and I also made one for a friend.Haven't heard how she liked hers but the others were very appreciative.Next is a floral bookmark, because in a home that is almost literally supported structurally by its books can you ever have too many bookshelves! The shield and sword were made by ds8 on his own with no help from anyone(ie all his own idea!)as was the bookmark(bird again) at the top which he gave to me. I love it, and keep it in my current read.
What a clever family you have! :D
Beautiful! I home school one daughter, now in Grade 11. She wanted to come home, because both public and "Catholic" schools were very bad; and although I wish we would have started her and her Sister on home school from the 'get go', my daughter is blossoming in her faith, and as a modest and productive young lady!
i love to see other blog about home schooling younger children, so I can help when I'm a Grandma!(Someday.)
God Bless you!
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