This post is really about three special women."Many moons ago" I suggested to a friend that it would be great to have china in liturgical colours.Looking with her at her local "op" shop she found some Johnson china. Yes I said excitedly this is exactly what I mean.And so the collection was started.I don't know how this wonderful friend manages it but on birthdays and Christmas since then she has presented me with this beautiful china in a variety of colours and designs.Thank you Orma!
Recently another friend offered me a solution to storing my wonderful china when it is not in use. Up until now I have wrapped it back in newspaper and stored it in cardboard boxes under the office desk. So when Tracey offered me two drawers on casters my new china cabinet was born!
Lastly I thank my daughter ,who has also decided she likes this china, for unwrapping the china and putting it so beautifully arranged in its new cupboard. Think me strange but I love to come out and just stare at it all! Oh and an important thank you should also go to her for the wonderful meals she has presented to us on high days and holidays(feast days) on said china.
Praise God for His provision over you! He knows what you have need of even before you ask. The collection looks great. :)
Have a great week,
I love your collection of china. It looks super lovely.
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