How do we study geography in our family?
We use a variety of things to help us study the World we live in. Maps are the first things that spring to mind. We have a smallish map of the world on a notice board in our schooling area.
Surrounding this are postcards that have been sent to us from all over the world. There are several home school postcard lists you can join that are helpful for this. One is:
Dotted amongst the postcards are pictures of the “Flats” that have come to visit us for a month or so. This idea for learning geography comes from the book “Flat
Another thing we do is have a very large world map
under plastic on our dining table. The amount of times this gets used and for varied reasons is numerous! The older ones use it in their political debates; the middles have used it in history and the littles just to find out exactly where E…… lives in
We love to read geographical living books too! Here are smatterings we have “owned” as a family:
“The Day Jean Pierre went round the World” Paul Gallico (follow the adventures of this cute little guinea pig as he is handed from person to person before finally returning home)
“Letters from Felix” when I read this with L. he insisted on making his own suitcase from a file-folder and packing it with cardboard “souvenirs” of the places Felix visited.
“Daughter of the Mountains” Louise Rankin (
“Fu-Dog” Rumer Godden (
Tales for Telling Leila Berg(folk tales from 5 countries)
Su-Mei’s Golden Year Marguerite Hamon Bro (
The children of Noisy Village, Lotta, etc! Astrid Lindgren(
Homesick: My Own Story Jean Fritz(moving story about a family having to leave china)
The Big Wave Pearl Buck(
Mei Fu Memories of
The Spettercake Holiday Edith Unnerstad (
Sailing to Freedom Voldemar Veedam (Estonian refugees traveling by boat from
“It’s A Jungle Out There” Ron Smell (
Two Under the Indian Sun Jon and Rumer Godden (
The Journey of Ching Lai Eleanor Frances Lattimore
The Brendan Voyage Tim Severin (a leather boat tracks the discovery of
How the Heather Looks Joan Bodger(a geographical literary tour of England by a family in 1958)Another wonderful read combining two of our favourite subjects; literature and geography!)
General Geography reference books we enjoy:
Rivers of the World Series Oxford University Press
Round the Wonderful World G.E Mitton (historical geography fascinating!)
Van Loon’s Geography
A Child’s History of geography Hillayer
The Usborne Encyclopedia of World Geography
Montessori Geography cards: With the youngest three I have made cards to cover a variety of topics: Continents of the world, Oceans of the World, Physical land Features, Rivers, Caves etc. These are self correcting. On one will be the illustration, on the second the illustration plus title or a brief definition/description of the feature. I have also found when we study a country making picture cards of that culture/locality for the children to look at while we read our living geography book really helps to cement the place in their minds. Such cards are often shared on the following groups:
We have used a variety of methods to display our knowledge. Sometimes we have
Another idea we have used successfully with the younger children is to place a hand drawn map of the country on the wall and attach to it things we make pertaining to that study. So surrounding our map of China we put fans, opera masks, several paper stuffed dogs, other animals of China, p’copy colored in covers of books we read, the menu of our Chinese meal, kites etc!
How to put dad going away so much this year for work in a positive framework? Put a map of
We have just started reading for the second time, with the younger children, The Bantry Bay series by Hilda van Stockum. I am thinking of keeping our records of this fairly low-key. Perhaps a shared family notebook. The illustrations are beautiful enough they beg to be copied and coloured. We can add pictures of