Friday, May 18, 2007

Apr. 17, 2007 - EASTER 2007

Apr. 17, 2007 - EASTER 2007

Easter 2007.

Wonderful memories! The seventh anniversary of us “coming Home” as a family!

Master 9 served at all the Holy Week services; even to carrying a torch at the Easter Vigil. I am so proud of the way ds(17) has trained him in serving; albeit the training began only 2 weeks before Holy Week!

Master 9 put up ALL of our vine Lenten devotions” add-ons”.(On Holy Saturday the vine is decorated with flowers, caterpillars, butterflies and the like).

Master 5 rang in Easter Sunday by ringing the Alleluia bell.(master 9 not so happy about this as ds + dd in teens had stipulated after a late night with the Easter Vigil they did not one of the littles ringing the bell before 8am!...but said Master 5”I can’t tell the time yet”).

Grandma was with us for all of Holy Week and has just gone home today. What a treasure for the children to see their grandmother whenever she had a free moment “fingering her beads”.

Ds(17)presented me with a beautiful monogrammed egg he had decorated on my birthday.(even down to the crack he had sp painstakingly mended just hours before when it crashed from his desk to the floor it was perfect!

Dd(15) prepared and cooked beautiful treats for our family including magnificent “hot cross buns”. She decorated beautiful eggs including an egg tree.