"Jumpy Darling" is a fairly regular visitor at our place. We have watched him grow and develop since Tracey brought him the first time when my ankle was broken. This time he

enjoyed investigating our yard ,

he liked the bark chips, sniffed and ate the tiniest(juciest?)blades of grass,

lazed on the
path like a "proper" kangaroo


we even got to feed him!Of course he still slept a lot...but then he is a baby!
oh he is gorgeous. I would love a pet kangaroo. I just wonder though, how big a fence do you need to keep them in.
Oh, what a blessing!
By the way, how is your ankle progressing? :/
Have a great week,
Ankle slowly improving thanks,Jillian.I think I was a bit naive expecting to be up and running by now but both the surgeon and the physio say it will take a year to heal completely...so I guess unlike like our little joey friend I'll be hop-a-long for some time yet!!
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