Wednesday, January 25, 2006

More on Noticeboards

Ds,5 in May is learning to read. He is using the Peter and Jane series and loving them(note of importance: Peter and Jane are real people mum aren't they!)I like them too, the stories are relevant to him(they like water, playing with balls, climb trees and have a dog and a rabbit!!)
but how to reinforce sight vocab in a fun way. Enter noticeboard no.2!
 I am focusing on a theme per month. This month it is the beach. As I'm not much of an artist I copied/enlarged or minimized pictures from colouring pages. I painted a sea background and attached yellow paper as sand.
Once I had some pictures coloured and glued in place I made some sentences and attached these. Some examples for this board are:
"Thank you for the sweets,mum" said Jane.
The children are in the water.
The girl has the big red ball.
See me jump into the water.

We will read a sentence or two each day. Next I will give him a copy of one of the sentences and have him find it on the board.I will have him spot specific words in different places on the board. I will have him dictate additional sentences for the board and draw and colour additional pictures to add to it.Because he will be reading Ponder and William on Holiday, and because it is summer here I thought the beach theme a good starting point.I see this board as one that can develop with him and reinforce the skills he needs practicing with at different stages

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