Saturday, January 28, 2006


I am thinking of revising our prayer schedule:
At the moment we pray a family rosary at night, the little boys pray their guardian angel prayer with me before they go to bed, we pray grace before meals and we get to week-day Mass as often as we can.
This is what I would like to aim for:
Weekday Mass every day.
Angelus and spiritual communion at noon
Divine Mercy chaplet at 3pm andConsecration to immaculate and sacret hearts
Tea-time grace before meal + read about saint
Evening Rosary with prayers of intercession on index cards for us to pick 4 to pray for + a prayer for our Pope and priests(lent and advent change to Stations of the cross)
Little boys prior to sleep examination of con/guardian angel prayer+ ask intercess. of immac hearts + sacredheart

This term we will add: the angelus at noon + extend the prayers for T+L. I think if I keep this intended schedule in my mind and constantly review where we are at present we should hopefully make progress. Small steps. Make haste slowly. These are the things I need to remember.

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