Thanksgiving Daybook
Outside My Window ...
I am grateful to know that the loquat tree that oldest son grew from a loquat stone is still living despite the drought. I am greatful for washing machine water that has resulted in a green lawn(at least for a time!) ***
I am listening to...
Baby collared doves. Their parents are nesting in a hanging plant basket just outside dd’s bedroom. Youngest son loves to jump high on the trampoline to see their tiny faces peeping out!***
Towards rhythm and beauty ...
I am grateful for the rhythm of the liturgical year. Today is the second Sunday in Advent and tonight we will light our second candle on our Advent wreath. Tomorrow is the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of Mary and I am looking forward to going to Mass then with the children.
I am thankful for ...
A peaceful moment where the only sounds that interrupt my thoughts are those of God’s wonderful creation. I find that a few minutes of silence restores my spirit and energises me in a way nothing else can.***
From the kitchen ...
I am grateful for a family that are happy to have pot-luck Sunday evening dinners.
To live the liturgy...
In a few minutes dd and I will drive to the Cathedral for Mass.I hunger for Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. At this time in the year Mother Church rouses me and bids me to begin anew. She calls me to look East, to make my house fair. She promises me that Love, the Guest is on His way.
Bringing beauty to my home ...
I am grateful that three boys are busy creating special sectrets this season. I love the way the oldest nurtures the other two in this Advent tradition***
I am hoping ...
that I never forget how grateful I am for the lessons learned this year.
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week:
We have quite a busy week coming up with excursions on several days and friends visiting on two more. I am grateful for these friends. They are great listeners.
Here is a picture thought I am sharing: