Sunday, December 14, 2008

Our St Lucy celebration

Hannah had set out the supper and all, the candles were waiting in the living room...

There is always an air of expectation on the feast of St Lucy, something still and silent waits there like St Lucy herself the little light who leads us to the great light Christ Himself! This year as we all came together Master L held a tall white pillar candle, the only thing lit in a house full of darkness!
Then we all processed through the house singing those wonderful Advent hymns"O Come Emmanuel"."On Jordan's Bank""Now He comes". We stopped in each room while dh prayed a blessing there and sprinkled the room with holy water. As we left the room someone would put on all the lights in that room and open the blinds/curtains(just as Christ lives in the Baptised Christian, so are we comissioned to share the Christ light/love with others)Finally we arrive at the last but one room to bless and someone(one of the older two) secretly slips back to the living room! Then we all move back inside(yes even the yard is blessed!)and enter a wonder-lit room.

We feast and rejoice!

Then I gaze to the empty crib lit with candles...not long still my soul, your Savior is coming!


Anne (aussieannie) said...

Beautiful evening there Alison!

Mary G said...

Beautiful, Alison! I love the creche you use, too.

Charlotte (WaltzingM) said...

How lovely!

Jessica Gordon said...

What a beautiful celebration!

Linda said...

Your blog is inspiring and motivating for me. Thank you for your beautiful post.