Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Just a bit warm!

Yesterday(Tuesday) the temperature reached 43.2C. Our garden wept dry tears! Today we are expected to max. at over 44C. We are in a heat wave folks, with temperatures in the 40's expected for the rest of the week, possibly dropping to high 30's after that.


Mary said...

It's a little hot heh?

Aliadelaide said...

As an amendment: it topped 45.7C today, something like the hottest day in 70 years...off to water my dying plants

Aliadelaide said...

just a bit Mary, hope your classroom is well air conditioned !

Therese said...

The last I read it was a high of 46 here. At 8.30 tonight it was still 39.

Anonymous said...

Spare a thought for us in the country, as we're melting. We had a power blackout for nearly two hours. Fortunately, it is back on now, but with no air conditioner or fans, we looked like dying plants! lol

Aliadelaide said...

Two hours!! We were miserable with one of 40 minutes...shows how soft you can get I guess.Sad to say I think I may be loosing a second black hen. I've tried shade,cool water,spraying her with water but I think she's just given up. I've noticed that with hens before, once they've made their mind up (so to speak) there's not much you can do.Thank heavens dh is due back tonight to bury them.